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Nine Bad Things That are Good for You

Items you enjoy consuming or doing but in some way there are bad for you.

Probably from your top of the head you can remember things they are bad for you but you enjoy doing them or consume them. We all do that. From alcohol, cigarettes even sun exposing. I did some research and this is 10 things which are bad for you BUT you can't without them.


New research has proved that reasonable consuming of beer can improve your cardiovascular function. It is good for you but we all know that it can be bad for you if you get too addicted to beer.


Studies showed that "explode" of anger and frustration, sometimes, is good for your health. It is even more efficient coping method than becoming disgusted, irritated or afraid. Other side of being angry for too long will lead to some health issues like blood pressure or sleep disorder.


Is it good for you? Is it bad? Coffee is major source of antioxidants and it can help you lower your risk from diabetes. And also it is good for people on a diet.

Sun Light
Sun Light

Don't you feel better when is sunny? It has been proved that sun can boost your mood. But also sun can literary kill you. Too much exposure to the sun and you can get cancer. Scientists proved that ultraviolet rays can suppress the immune reaction that causes asthma.


First thought about them - disgusting. But they can save your life. In 2003, maggots were approved by scientist as the Food & Drug Administration's only live medical "mechanism". Maggots mimic their "wild" lifestyle and munch on bacteria and dead tissue when you placed them on serious wounds, helping to prevent infection.


This is not a marijuana advertising. It's medicinal. Recent researches on mice imply that anti-inflammatory found in the drug prevent the clumping of brain proteins, Alzheimer's major cause of the disease.

Red Wine
Red Wine

One glass of red wine before dinner (NOT every day) can make you healthier. It has long been known that red wine has artery-protecting and anti-cancer benefits. Latest studies proved that in the skin of (red wine) grapes is found antioxidant (called resveratrol). It has some connection with reducing gum diseases.


Recent studies showed that chocolate increase blood flow to the brain. But we all know what can happen from consuming too much of chocolate. Sugar problems like diabetes. That is the most extreme example.


There always will be somebody who will say that sex is bad for you. H mm... yeah HIV is bad for you. You don't need excuse for sex but if you need some here you go: way to reduce stress, cholesterol and improves blood circulation. Those are just simple "excuses".

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